MOON STREAM is a new Japanese group created in 2011 by Satsuki (former singer of RENTRER EN SOI) and guitarist of the group (ECHOSTREAM), Tomo Asaha, without forgetting their session drummer and bassist.
Their manager is the same that Tomo's manager in the United States.
We can define the music style of the group as J-Rock, Visual Kei.
They made their first official appearance on June 17th, 18th and 19th at the Japanese convention Kintoki-Con in Sacramento, California during which they were guests and did their first shows,after on september 30th until october 2nd 2011 at AWA convention in Atlanta and the 3rd Show during the weekend November 9th until 11th at Pacific Media Expo in Los Angeles. Otherwise, we could see them at the Fanime-Con convention in San Jose, California on May 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th, where they held a booth and played Satsuki's songs in acoustic.
Seeing the way their first show and public appearances as MOON STREAM took place a great career and beautiful future are promised for this band, maybe an European tour and especially a French date that people are looking forward to attending.