砂月's Biographie ★
☆ Profil :
Satsuki est né dans la préfecture d'Hyogo. Il est acteur, compositeur et pianiste et ses groupes préférés sont JANNE DA ARC, L'ARC~EN~CIEL et KAREN. Il aime également le degré vocal de Kyô, le chanteur de DIR EN GREY. Il se décrit comme perverti, sexuel, mince, attirant, et trouve qu'il a un merveilleux cerveau. Il aime manger des bonbons, des crackers et du riz japonais, et apprécie le corps des femmes, ainsi que les couleurs blanches, noires, et rouge. Les anciens membres de RENTRER EN SOI l'appelait "notre prince royal". Il dit que s'il n'avait pas été chanteur, il aurait voulu ouvrir un snack pour pouvoir manger beaucoup, et il déclare qu'il aurait aimé être écrivain. Il s'y essaye souvent pour ainsi faire passer des messages comme lorsqu'il chante.
☆ Satsuki iz back :
C'est le 14 février 2009 que le site officiel de Satsuki ouvre ses portes, informant officiellement aux fans son come back. En effet, après son succès en tant que chanteur dans son ancien groupe RENTRER EN SOI, Satsuki nous revient avec son projet solo, accompagné de membres de session tels que Tetsu (ex-GIMIKKU) et ランディ/Randy? (ex-CULT) aux guitares, ainsi que Rin (ex-SCHMELTZ CURE) à la basse et Mika (ex-RENTRER EN SOI) à la batterie.
Satsuki se concentre cette fois ci sur un concept où la musique présente dans le chant purifie l'âme. Il chante en utilisant sa voix et des mots pour faire la lumière sur les âmes qui sont remplit de ténèbres et d'hésitation, afin de les guider vers l'avenir. Il exprime les mélodies qui coulent dans son corps et les émotions à travers ses chansons, et ses singles sortant en plusieurs étapes appelées "Story" incarnent les visions qui dépassent les sons, comme des films reliés par le monde de la poésie.
☆ Ses nouveaux premiers pas :
Il effectue un live secret à Tokyo le 4 mai 2009 avant de sortir cinq jours plus tard son premier single nommé 「AWAKE」, le 9 mai. Sa voix angélique s'accorde merveilleusement bien avec la simple et pure musique rock de cette première sortie, qui est rapidement devenue sold-out. Ce fut alors un excellent départ pour le chanteur.
Puis le 16 mai, son premier oneman a lieu au Shinzyuku MARZ, intitulé 「AWAKENING TO MOONLIGHT」, et également sold-out, puis son second oneman au Shinsaibashi club Alive. Il fut également sa première apparition en dehors des frontières du Japon pour des concerts joués au piano, ainsi qu'à l'Anime Expo de Los Angeles, le 4 juillet 2009.
☆ Le succès continu :
C'est le 21 août 2009 que Satsuki nous offre son deuxième maxi single intitulé 「CRYSTAL」, composé de quatre nouvelles chansons dont un clip, le second pour lui en tant que chanteur solo. Suit aussitôt son troisième oneman 「PEER INTO YOUR CRYSTAL HEART」 au VUENOS TOKYO le 24 août. Et en fin 2009, il sort un artbook de photos 「AWAKENING OF MOONLIGHT」, uniquement disponible sur sa boutique officielle.
Une série de lives défilent durant l'année 2009 jusqu'à son quatrième oneman le 25 décembre au SHIBUYA Partyroom JEEKAHN's, où Satsuki nous dévoile son prochain maxi-single qui sortira le 14 février 2010, jour de la Saint Valentin, et qui s'intitulera 「MOON SPIRAL」. Puis le 22 août 2010, Satsuki nous informe lors de son cinquième oneman au Takadanobaba AREA, son premier mini-album intitulé 「UPPER REGION」, qui sortira le premier septembre 2010. Depuis cette date, les thèmes musicaux de Satsuki ont englobé un monde fantastique de blanc, de clarté angélique, et d'une sensation éthérée, comme on peut l'entendre sur ce premier mini-album.
En plus d'être régulièrement en tête d'affiche pour des évènements de Visual Kei au Japon, il a également joué, le 17 septembre 2010, dans le théâtre en jouant dans une pièce nomme "PINTER W A V E !", et il ne cesse d'étendre sa gamme d'activités. Puis le 24 décembre 2010, son sixième oneman a lieu Meguro Rokumeikan, et est nommé 「TOUCH OF UPPER REGION ~聖なる夜に光の世界 へ~」
☆ Et du nouveau pour 2011 :
En mars 2011, Satsuki s'unit avec le guitariste Tomo Asaha pour créer un nouveau groupe nommé MOON STREAM, qui effectuera ses premières apparitions en public le 17, 18 et 19 juin à Sacramento en Californie, lors du Kintoki-Con 2011, au côté de Teruki de AN CAFE, ainsi que de Takamasa Sakurai, un producteur et scénariste. Les membres de sessions pour ce jour seront Ena à la basse et U-YA à la batterie (ex-AMETHYST, D'AIR, MASQUERADE (support)).
C'est en début mai que nous apprenons que Satsuki sortira un nouveau single intitulé 「INNOCENT」, composé de deux nouveaux titres. Ce single sortira le 27 juin 2011, même jour qu'un live intitulé 「INNOCENT TO YOU」 regroupant des groupes tels que VII-Sense, Kensaku Kishida en V, SwallowtaiL, A, et Blu-BiLLioN. Les membres de session de Satsuki seront Reeno à la guitare (ex-SCISSOR, RUDE DUNK, BOUNTY (support), THE BIRDMAN (support), Aoi (support)), Rin à la basse (ex- SCHMELTZ CURE), et U-YA à la batterie (ex-AMETHYST, D'AIR, MASQUERADE (support)).
Puis, pour la sortie d'un nouveau jeu de PSP nommé 「AMNESIA」, le 18 août 2011, Satsuki se chargera du thème song. Le titre de l'album 「UPPER REGION」, nommé 「AWAKE」 fera office d'oppening, puis un nouveau titre intitulé 「SYMPATHY」 sera l'ending.
☆ Profile :
Satsuki was born in Hyogo prefecture. He is an actor, composer, and pianist and his favorite bands are JANNE Da ARC, L'ARC~EN~CIEL and KAREN. He also likes the voice level of Kyô, DIR EN GREY's singer. He describes himself as pervert, sexual, slim, attractive and thinks he has a wonderful brain. He likes to eat candy, snickers and Japanese rice, and likes women's body, and colors white, black and red. The former members of RENTRER EN SOI used to call him 「our royal prince」. He says that, if he wasn't a singer, he'd have liked to open a snack bar to eat a lot, and he also says that he wishes he was a writer ; He often has a go at writing, in order to pass on messages just like when he sings.
☆ Satsuki iz back :
February 14th, 2009, Satsuki's official website is opened, officialy informing the fans about his come back. Indeed, after his success as a singer in his former band RENTRER EN SOI, Satsuki is back with a solo project, alongside session members such as guitarists Tetsu (ex-GIMIKKU) and ランディ/Randy? (ex-CULT), bassist Rin (ex- SCHMELTZ CURE) and drummer Mika (ex-RENTRER EN SOI).
Now Satsuki is more focused on a concept where music in the singing part purifies the soul. He sings using his voice and words to enlighten the souls full of shadows and doubts, to guide them towards the future. He expresses the melodies that flow in his body, and his 3-part release entitled 「Story」 embodies visions that surpass sound, like films connected by the world of poetry.
☆ His fresh first steps :
He performed a secret live in Tokyo, on May 4th, 2009, before releasing, 5 days later, his first single called 「AWAKE」. His angelic voice fits perfectly with the plain and pure rock music of this first release, which quickly became sold-out. This was a great start for the singer.
Then on May 16th, his first oneman called 「AWAKENING TO MOONLIGHT」, which is sold-out too, took place at the Shinjuku MARZ. A second oneman took place at the Shinsaibashi club Alive. He also made his first appearance outside Japan in America, for an acoustic live on the piano, and at Los Angeles' Anime Expo, on July 4th, 2009.
☆ The success goes on :
On August 21st, 2009, Satsuki released his second maxi-single called "CRYSTAL", made up of four new songs and a PV, 「RAIN DROP」. Just after the release, his third oneman 「PEER INTO YOUR CRYSTAL HEART」 took place at the VUENOS TOKYO, on August 24th. And at the end of 2009, he released a photobook 「AWAKENING OF MOONLIGHT」, only available on his official shop.
A series of lives follow one another in 2009 until his fourth oneman, on December 25th at the SHIBUYA Partyroom JEEKAHN's, where Satsuki revealed his next maxi-single 「MOON SPIRAL」 to be released on February 14th, 2010, the same day as Valentine's day. On August 22nd 2010,in 「PINTER W A V E !」. He keeps on exploring new fields. On December 24th, 2010 took place his sixth oneman at the Meguro Rokumeikan, called 「TOUCH OF UPPER REGION~Seinaru yoru ni hikari no sekai e~」.
☆ And other news in 2011 :
On March 2011, Satsuki bands together with guitarist Tomo Asaha to create a band called MOON STREAM, which will perform his first public appearances on June 17th, 18th and 19th in Sacramento (California), at Kintoki-Con 2011, alongside Teruki from AN CAFE, and Takamasa Sakurai, producer and screen writer. The session members for this day were bassist Ena and drumer U-YA (ex-AMETHYST, D'AIR, MASQUERADE (support)).
In early May we learnt that Satsuki would release a new single called 「INNOCENT」, made up of two new titles. This single will be released on June 27th, on the same day as a live called 「INNOCENT TO YOU」, gathering bands such as VII-Sense, Kensaku Kishida en V, SwallowtaiL, A, and Blu-BiLLioN. Satsuki’s session members will be guitarist Reeno (ex-SCISSOR, RUDE DUNK, BOUNTY (support), THE BIRDMAN (support), and Aoi (support)), bassist Rin (ex-
砂月's Biography ★
☆ Profile :
Satsuki was born in Hyogo prefecture. He is an actor, composer, and pianist and his favorite bands are JANNE Da ARC, L'ARC~EN~CIEL and KAREN. He also likes the voice level of Kyô, DIR EN GREY's singer. He describes himself as pervert, sexual, slim, attractive and thinks he has a wonderful brain. He likes to eat candy, snickers and Japanese rice, and likes women's body, and colors white, black and red. The former members of RENTRER EN SOI used to call him 「our royal prince」. He says that, if he wasn't a singer, he'd have liked to open a snack bar to eat a lot, and he also says that he wishes he was a writer ; He often has a go at writing, in order to pass on messages just like when he sings.
☆ Satsuki iz back :
February 14th, 2009, Satsuki's official website is opened, officialy informing the fans about his come back. Indeed, after his success as a singer in his former band RENTRER EN SOI, Satsuki is back with a solo project, alongside session members such as guitarists Tetsu (ex-GIMIKKU) and ランディ/Randy? (ex-CULT), bassist Rin (ex- SCHMELTZ CURE) and drummer Mika (ex-RENTRER EN SOI).
Now Satsuki is more focused on a concept where music in the singing part purifies the soul. He sings using his voice and words to enlighten the souls full of shadows and doubts, to guide them towards the future. He expresses the melodies that flow in his body, and his 3-part release entitled 「Story」 embodies visions that surpass sound, like films connected by the world of poetry.
☆ His fresh first steps :
He performed a secret live in Tokyo, on May 4th, 2009, before releasing, 5 days later, his first single called 「AWAKE」. His angelic voice fits perfectly with the plain and pure rock music of this first release, which quickly became sold-out. This was a great start for the singer.
Then on May 16th, his first oneman called 「AWAKENING TO MOONLIGHT」, which is sold-out too, took place at the Shinjuku MARZ. A second oneman took place at the Shinsaibashi club Alive. He also made his first appearance outside Japan in America, for an acoustic live on the piano, and at Los Angeles' Anime Expo, on July 4th, 2009.
☆ The success goes on :
On August 21st, 2009, Satsuki released his second maxi-single called "CRYSTAL", made up of four new songs and a PV, 「RAIN DROP」. Just after the release, his third oneman 「PEER INTO YOUR CRYSTAL HEART」 took place at the VUENOS TOKYO, on August 24th. And at the end of 2009, he released a photobook 「AWAKENING OF MOONLIGHT」, only available on his official shop.
A series of lives follow one another in 2009 until his fourth oneman, on December 25th at the SHIBUYA Partyroom JEEKAHN's, where Satsuki revealed his next maxi-single 「MOON SPIRAL」 to be released on February 14th, 2010, the same day as Valentine's day. On August 22nd 2010,in 「PINTER W A V E !」. He keeps on exploring new fields. On December 24th, 2010 took place his sixth oneman at the Meguro Rokumeikan, called 「TOUCH OF UPPER REGION~Seinaru yoru ni hikari no sekai e~」.
☆ And other news in 2011 :
On March 2011, Satsuki bands together with guitarist Tomo Asaha to create a band called MOON STREAM, which will perform his first public appearances on June 17th, 18th and 19th in Sacramento (California), at Kintoki-Con 2011, alongside Teruki from AN CAFE, and Takamasa Sakurai, producer and screen writer. The session members for this day were bassist Ena and drumer U-YA (ex-AMETHYST, D'AIR, MASQUERADE (support)).
In early May we learnt that Satsuki would release a new single called 「INNOCENT」, made up of two new titles. This single will be released on June 27th, on the same day as a live called 「INNOCENT TO YOU」, gathering bands such as VII-Sense, Kensaku Kishida en V, SwallowtaiL, A, and Blu-BiLLioN. Satsuki’s session members will be guitarist Reeno (ex-SCISSOR, RUDE DUNK, BOUNTY (support), THE BIRDMAN (support), and Aoi (support)), bassist Rin (ex-
SCHMELTZ CURE), and drummer U-YA (ex-AMETHYST, D'AIR, MASQUERADE (support)).
Then, Satsuki took care of the new PSP game 「AMNESIA」’s theme song. The song「AWAKE」 of the album 「UPPER REGION」 will be the opening song, and a new song 「SYMPATHY」 will be the ending.MoonStream-Fans ; pray for SATSUKi ★ © M i h o